Order Sublime
Q: If I buy Sublime X.Y.Z, how long will my license be valid? Do I get updates for free?
A: You get free updates for a full major version number (plus two more versions if you bought before 2.0), e.g. if you have bought the Sublime version 2.4.0, you will get all updates including Sublime 3.3.9 without having to pay anything. Of course you can use your version of Sublime as long as you want without updating it.
Q: My serial number from the version 1.7 (and below) does not work anymore. What’s going wrong?
A: With version 2.0 we had to change the registration data because of the new windows release. Please contact us at support@supramotion.de, and you’ll get the new licensing information in a few days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Q: I want to buy multiple licenses of Sublime for my company. Is this possible?
A: Sure. Please contact us at sales@supramotion.de and let us know how many licenses you need. We will then set up an individual price for your needs.
Q: How often is Sublime updated? How much will a major upgrade be?
A: We try to update Sublime constantly in small steps. New and free 0.X releases containing new features and other improvements will be available in changing intervals. When your free update period has expired (e.g. you bought version 2.3 and then version 3.3 is released), you will of course get an update option that is cheaper than the full price.
Q: How can I order Sublime? What is this Avangate shop? Why am I forwarded to a new page when clicking the buy button?
A: We handle Sublime orders via a third party company called Avangate. Avangate supports most common credit cards and other payment options, which we could not offer when selling it directly.
This is also the reason why the order page is not on supramotion.de: Avangate offers the most secure technologies that are available for distributing software over the internet. When clicking the buy button, you are forwarded to the Avangate shop which runs on a SSL encrypted page. This ensures that any information entered cannot be intercepted by others. If you have any more questions about the ordering process, please let us know. You can also contact us directly if you have any problems setting up the order form. See https://www.avangate.com/customer-services/shopper-support.phpfor more info about Avangate.
Q: Why is Sublime more expensive than XYZ?
A:We target the professional and semi-professional Blu-ray & DVD authoring market. There may be cheaper tools for subtitling, but you won’t get the quality and support we offer. We don’t want to be the main subtitling tool for hobbyists – we want you to get your work done. In fact, personnel expenses will be reduced because subtitling is much faster. We have managed to spot complete films in close to realtime; try this with any other subtitling software!
Q: You promised not to do a huge version leap, now there is a jump from version 1.7 to 2.0. Why did you do that?
A:We had a hard time doing this, but with the big release of the HD capable version and the Windows version the jump to version 2.0 was necessary. Because we’ve left out the version numbers 1.8 and 1.9 all the customers that have bought Sublime before 2.0 will get two more releases for free. When your free update period has expired (e.g. you bought version 1.3 and then version 2.5 is released), you will of course get an update option that is cheaper than the full price.
Q: I would love to see feature XYZ implemented into Sublime. Where can I discuss or suggest them? Do you want to be informed about my feature wishes?
A:Yes, we want to hear your ideas! If you have any suggestions that would make your subtitling workflow easier or better, write them down and send them to support@supramotion.de. Sublime is constantly evolving, so we want and need your feedback to make Sublime even better.
Q: Can I import Subtitle format XYZ into Sublime?
A:Sublime currently supports the import of STL, EBU STL and SRT (Subrip) subtitle files. Those seem to be the most common ones that we know about. If you need to import a different format, you can first search the web if there is a converter for your format to one of the formats Sublime currently supports. If there is none, let us know about the format by sending us a small example file to support@supramotion.de, and we will try to support this format in one of the next minor upgrades.
Q:When importing raw dialog scripts or STL files, some characters are not shown correctly. What can I do to fix this?
A:When importing raw TXT or TXT STL files, Sublime assumes that they are saved in the local codepage. When saving raw text files on a different computer or OS, the local codepage might not match the one that the files where saved as. Sublime supports UTF8, UTF16, UTF32 and RTF formats as well, so you can simply convert your TXT files to one of those formats with any text-editor first, to make sure that all characters are imported correctly. Then import the files again into Sublime. Note: Prefer saving in UTF16 formats, as this will in most cases write a header (BOM) into the file. BOM headers are automatically recognized by Sublime.
Q:Does Sublime support high definition?
A: Yes, it does since version 2.0. NetBlenders DoStudio is fully supported. If you need subtitles for another Blu-ray authoring tool, please contact us.
Q: Why on earth does Sublime decode the audio from my videos first?
A:Sublime does this to optimize performance. By decompressing the movies audio first, we can guarantee that playing back audio, seeking and zooming in the arrangement behaves as quick and comfortable as possible. Nothing should stop you while you are spotting or editing subtitles.
Q:How can I quickly navigate the playback position?
A: Use the middle mouse button to do so while pointing at any time in the arrangement above the subtitles, audio clip or video clip.
If you have don’t have a 3 button mouse, you can also do this by holding down the „Apple“ key and then clicking the left mouse button. Alternatively you can always click on the time ruler on top of the arrangement to set a new playback position.
Q: I don’t want to drag and drop titles. Can I use keyboard shortcuts as well?
A: Yes. Sublime supports the easy way of drag and dropping as well as spotting with keyboard shortcuts only. Decide you which way is faster for you. Click the „Help“ -> „Show Or Print Keyboard Shortcuts-…“ menu entry for a full reference. As all keyboard shortcuts can be reassigned in Sublime, you can even adjust them to perfectly match your workflow!
Any more questions? Please let us know about them by writing a mail to support@supramotion.de.